Friday, May 28, 2010

Swift Boat Funder Bank-Rolls Susana Martinez with $450K

Swift Boat money makes up over 60% of Martinez’s total; candidate officially abandons campaign based on ethics

Albuquerque, NM - After taking $450,000 from Texas multi-millionaire Robert Perry, the chief financer of the disgraced Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Susana Martinez has made it clear that her pledges to bring ethics reforms are nothing more than empty campaign rhetoric. Her actions speak louder than her words.

According to the most recent finance report, the $450,000 Perry and his wife gave Susana Martinez accounts for more than 60% of her contributions this period. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are widely known for funding the shameless ads that recklessly challenged John Kerry’s patriotism during the 2004 presidential election.

“Susana Martinez talks a big game about ethics, but actions speak louder than words. By taking $450,000, the largest donation in state history from the people responsible for the dirtiest campaign ploy in years, Martinez is announcing that ethics reform will no longer be part of her campaign platform,” said DPNM Chairman Javier Gonzales. “Susana Martinez’s campaign strategy is simple: first saddle up to powerful oil companies, then to Sarah Palin, and now to the Swift Boaters. Meanwhile, New Mexico families are left completely behind.”


1 comment:

  1. The republicans only care about money and power. They couldn't care less about anyone who isn't rich and conservative. Period.


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