Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stand up to the NM GOP and Karl Rove: Donate Today!

You may have heard the news.

In two weeks, Karl Rove – architect of George Bush's disasterous Presidency– is coming to New Mexico for a reunion with the Republican Party of New Mexico.

You can count on all the old Bush cronies, like Steve Pearce and Allen Weh, to be there along with the other Republican candidates for governor like Susana Martinez and Pete Domenici Jr. to stop by for the reunion.

Rove is here on May 1 to raise money for the Republican Party of New Mexico – so they can bring the same policies of the failed Bush presidency to New Mexico.
We simply cannot let that happen -- not here in New Mexico.

Click here to donate $25, $50, $100 to take a stand against the failed policies of the Bush administration and reject Rove's far-right schemes.

We could go through all the ways in which Karl Rove’s influence was destructive to our country, but you know the rap sheet. Scandals. Record budget deficits. An economy on the brink of complete collapse. Heck, we’re still cleaning up the mess that Rove helped create.

But that’s in the past – and our focus must be on the future. We must prevent Karl Rove’s favorite candidates for Governor and Congress from prevailing in November. We must fight to give New Mexican's policies that bring jobs, better education, and healthy communities.

Click here to give whatever you can to help stop the radical right from taking advantage of an upset electorate - an electorate that is upset because of the problems these same Republicans are responsible for!

It’s hard not to forget the last time Karl Rove made news in New Mexico. Rove and his “good friend” Allen Weh emailed back and forth about firing U.S. Attorney David Iglesias because Iglesias decided not to launch a politically-motivated investigation during an election. Rove and Weh chose to use their trusted positions to influence the outcome of criminal investigations. Think of what they'll do to New Mexicans if Republicans win this November!

Don't just let Karl Rove waltz back in to New Mexico, stand up and make a statement by donating today!

Send a message to Karl Rove and the right-wingers, and give whatever you can. Let's all send a message to Rove and all the other Bush Republicans: you are not taking back any power!


Scott Forrester
Executive Director, DPNM

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