Friday, September 18, 2009

Joe Wilson: Didn't Get the Memo

Hello Readers! This Friday, we're happy to have a little help on our blog from Saturday Night Live -- they have figured out how Joe Wilson (R-SC) could have been so misguided during his oft-cited Congressional outburst.

It seems as though the entirety of the GOP was supposed to shout at the President, but Joe Wilson didn't get the memo. (Shocking, we know, but Wilson seems to be out of step on a lot of things.)

After seeing this video, the whole scenario totally makes sense. Thanks, SNL!

Yesterday, the House of Representatives did in fact reprimand Wilson for his behavior -- the text of which can be viewed here. Despite the relatively benign nature of the language of the bill, Wilson's outburst has opened a maelstrom of controversy in the wake of the interjection.

Most notably, Former President Carter used the outburst as forum for examining race relations in the South and more over in the United States. We're not sure what the motivation for Wilson's outburst really was, but it is hard to believe that Joe Wilson is anything but happy as a result of the new-found attention he is getting. Conservative action groups like AmeriPAC are funneling money to Wilson and he is being propped up like a new American hero.

We are also slightly amused that in an interview with South Carolina's CN2 News, Governor Mark Sanford of South Carolina took a break from hiking to tell the media that it should move on from the Wilson story.

We kind of agree -- as strange as it sounds. Wilson should have apologized to his colleagues, but he isn't going to do that. The House has formally reprimanded him -- so move on.

As Harry Teague (NM-2), stated, Congress needs to spend serious time working on issues such as health care, veterans and energy.

This is especially true for New Mexicans -- we're falling behind on health care and we need our Congressional delegation to fight for us in Washington and not spend anymore time with people like Wilson.

Our Congresspeople are fighting for us in Washington against people like Joe Wilson -- let's make sure we fight for them in 2010!

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