Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Obama to Address Joint Houses of Congress

With President Obama's speech to the joint Session of Congress about to occur in about two hours, what can we expect to hear during the speech?

President Obama is expected to still make a pitch as to why a public option is still a good option for increasing competition and accountability among insurance companies.

Aides to the President have stated that he is not to make a make-it-or-break-it speech to Congress, but to present a speech which will ensure competition and choice for Americans.

We're waiting with anticipation for President Obama's speech and look forward to his ideas.

As a side note, like most addresses to the joint Session of Congress, the opposition (in this case, the Republicans) have the opportunity to present a rebuttal to the speech.

If you remember the State of the Union, you'll also remember Gov. Bobby Jindal's (R-LA) epic failure of an address:

Well this time around, the Republicans have chosen another member of Louisana's Congressional delegation, Rep. Chrales Boustany (R-LA). In addition to being a doctor, Rep. Boustany also has a 100% record on voting pro-life in Congress, according to

Boustany is expected to give "common sense reforms that Republicans and all Americans can stand behind." The article does not elaborate on what these reforms may be.

Aside from being a former heart surgeon and member of the House of Representatives, Rep. Boustany is best known for being the victim of a fraudulent scam which sought to sell forged British titles of aristocracy to rich Americans and has also been linked to defending "birthers" in questioning President Obama's citizenship. (Rep. Boustany appears at the 0.27 mark.)

Of all of the Republican members of Congress, this is the best that the GOP can come up with?

Let's hope that Rep. Boustany's speech is as good as Governor Jindal's. We'll be watching and crossing our fingers.

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