Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tea Party Express comes to Rio Rancho

Not only is today the first day of September, but today is also the day that the Tea Party Express came to Albuquerque . . . well, Rio Rancho. (Sorry to our readers that this wasn't posted yesterday.)

These people are a part of the "Taxed Enough Already" "grassroots" movement which has become the most well-known method for criticizing everything from health care reform to immigration to others' patriotism. (We say "grassroots" as there were a handful of people from Colorado and Texas in attendance.)

Awash with red, white and blue, the organizers of this rally sought to put a dent in President Obama's administration and its policies, but as an interested observer, their points of criticism were somewhat lacking, resembling more like the generalizations and fear-mongering that we have seen in other parts of our country.

To this point, New Mexicans have been quite civil in regards to health care town halls, but today's display in Rio Rancho tarnished that track record. The DPNM saw signs labeling our President as a Marxist, a Muslim, a Nazi and more famously, the Joker from the recent Batman flick. While free speech is still cherished in this country, there is a sense of decency that should be observed. Likening our President to a Nazi (the basis of this relationship is still unclear to us) does not advance your cause, it only seeks to heighten and misinform those who lack complete information.

Likewise, those who spoke at this event pandered to the crown in a way which was lass than satisfying (not that we expected differently). Supporting our President does not make you un-American; supporting health care reform does not make you un-American; expanding social benefits to those who need it does not make you un-American.

The organizers would like you to think otherwise. Failing to correct crowd-members for shouting anti-Obama remarks (some of which were racially charged), the speakers at this event lost credibility in our eyes.

While there were 400-500 in attendance, the crowd seemed to be more interested in trappings, sing alongs and the cheap shots of a mob-like rally than actual debate on issues which they claimed to be interested -- no talk of how to reform health care, but admissions that even the speakers had yet to read the bill in its entirety. (Luckily, as she stated, the speaker of this part of the rally relied on the news media for her information -- we might also note that Fox News was in attendance.)

To be honest, we were disappointed, but we had expected to be.

We went in order to show others what is happening in our State -- and the people who are bringing it to us. Democrats should be emboldened at this event, redoubling our efforts and support for reform-minded legislators and begin tomorrow to dispel these baseless attacks on our President and leaders.

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