Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Joe Wilson: Still Defiant

As Democratic Leadership in Congress decides today whether or not they should formally reprimand the Representative on the floor of the House, Joe Wilson (R-SC) continues to be defiant in his opposition to the President's initiatives to reform health care in a meaningful way.

NPR reports that while Wilson's initial apology to the President and Vice President was accepted, it was after GOP leadership told him to do so. (Wilson states in an interview that he was merely provided the phone number for the White House.)

With Joe Wilson touting himself as a new American Hero for standing up to liberal reforms, many conservative groups are seizing the opportunity to use Wilson as a method to raise money and continue the mis-truths about health care which were so prevalent during the August recess.

Just today, we received two e-mails from AmeriPAC which describe Joe Wilson as a "hero. " (These e-mails also refer to our President as Barack Hussein Obama.) These e-mails state that Wilson's anger was "righteous" and that Democrats were "out for blood." Creating a martyr out of Joe Wilson is just an attempt to divert attention from the fact that support for the President increased after his speech to Congress and once again, the Republicans are left wandering in Washington with no clear direction.

Even in interviews, Joe Wilson seems to be playing up to this martyr mantle. He has issued a campaign ad which features his wife talking about Joe Wilson -- we hope it touches you as much as it touched us:

Even before this campaign spot was produced, Joe Wilson sought to maintain that he was somehow justified in his actions, speaking to FOX News and stating that he would no longer apologize for his conduct:

Democrats can take comfort that our leaders do not encourage such behavior and that we have the American people standing with us calling for meaningful health care reform.

Now is not the time to allow Republicans to make Joe Wilson into a martyr for their cause -- Joe Wilson lived in obscurity until last Wednesday and he should stay there.

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